Take advantage of your card’s special features
Wells Fargo Rewards®
Discover the ways to redeem your rewards, including travel, gift cards, and more.
My Wells Fargo Deals
Activate personalized deals, and then shop, dine, or enjoy an experience using an eligible Wells Fargo card.3
Credit Close-Up®
Gives you free access to your FICO® Score and more at any time and it won’t impact your credit score.4
Zero Liability Protection
You won’t be held responsible for unauthorized transactions, as long as they’re reported promptly.5
Card benefits
Tools and resources
Enroll in online banking
Secure online access to your accounts through your desktop and mobile devices.
Wells Fargo Mobile® app
Pay your bill, turn your card on or off,14 view recurring payments and subscriptions, and more.
Set up alerts
Get help staying on top of your credit card with transaction alerts and payment reminders.17
Overdraft Protection
Link your eligible credit card to cover your transactions if you don’t have enough in your checking account.18
Automatic payments
Transfer money for automatic payments,19 which may help you avoid late or missed payments.
Add an authorized user
Your account can receive one monthly statement that consolidates all your spending.20
Switch to online statements
Want to reduce waste?
Start using our secure digital tools to quickly and easily access up to two years of your credit card statements online.16